Prioritizing Shared Values

This means creating a world we can be proud to pass on to the next generation. During my time in St. Paul, if elected, I plan to work diligently to make this a reality. This means focusing on the issues that matter in 3B: affordable and quality healthcare for all ages, investing in childcare, funding education, protecting our environmental and outdoor resources, and economic development. Below is a chance to see my platform and the goals that we can work towards addressing if elected.

  • As your representative, I will fight tirelessly to ensure that quality, affordable healthcare is available to every Minnesotan, regardless of their circumstances. We must safeguard access to essential medical services, lower the costs of prescription drugs, and protect those with pre-existing conditions. Furthermore, I will:

    -Preserve and protect Minnesotans’ right to reproductive freedom and choice.

    -Invest in early childhood education and affordable childcare options that will provide our children with the best possible start in life.

    -Ensure that our seniors can age with dignity by supporting home care services, long-term care facilities, and programs that promote independent living.

    -Address the challenges of rural healthcare access.

    -Advocate for workers to care for their loved ones without sacrificing their livelihoods.

  • Minnesota’s natural beauty and abundant outdoor resources are integral to our identity and way of life. As your representative, I will champion responsible stewardship of our environment and work to:

    -Protect our air, water, and land from pollution and degradation.

    -Support initiatives that promote renewable energy sources to combat climate change.

    -Preserve our state’s rich outdoor heritage of hunting and fishing by safeguarding public lands, parks, and wildlife habitats.

    -Invest in innovative environmental technologies.

  • A well-funded education system is the cornerstone of a prosperous and equitable society. I am committed to ensuring that our public schools receive the resources they need to provide a high-quality education for every student, including:

    -Increasing funding for educational programs, teacher salaries, and school infrastructure.

    -Enhance opportunities for early childhood education and college affordability.

    -Deploy vocational training and workforce development for future jobs.

  • Fostering collaboration between the public and private sectors is essential for driving economic growth and addressing community needs. As your representative, I will work to:

    -Encourage public-private partnerships that leverage resources and expertise to tackle challenges facing local government and area businesses.

    -Support the continued expansion of small businesses and the creation of new industries and the implementation of new technologies to provide economic opportunities and a living wage.